Wednesday, October 24, 2012

One of my “missions” as a Make-Up Artist is to bring the awareness of ingredients to my followers! I have to say that in the past I secretly thought people who are “Green” all the way are a bit over the top. But as I have educated myself along the way I have found I am one of “those GREEN” people. I have always said Knowledge is POWER! I want to share with you some of the interesting things I have discovered that have changed my way of thinking and have moved me to action. Most of the information I will share on this topic will be referenced from the Amazing Julie Gabriel and her fantastic Book “The Green Beauty Guide”. I encourage you to read it, if not read my blog for the highlights :)
We are obsessed with all the new lotions and potions that promise to make our skin appear healthy. We are so eager to make these magic concoctions work that we do not ask ourselves whether this chemical cocktail is actually making our skin younger or any healthier. We have to be careful of what we put on our skin, Skin can absorb up to 60% of what is applied to its surface. In a consumer study of 7,500 bestselling beauty products the findings showed, about 90% of cosmetic ingredients have NEVER been analyzed for health impacts by the Cosmetic Ingredient Review Board, a panel that oversees cosmetic safety. Nearly 55% of products contain “penetration enhancers” that increase the ability of chemicals to enter the bloodstream…. Just something to think about I will continue sharing more details. Let me know what you think. -Shante’


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